Brazil fastener exports and imports fall - FASTENER EUROPE MAGAZINE
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Brazil fastener exports and imports fall

by Sergio Milatias 
Editor in Chief of Revista do Parafusos


At the Brazilian harbours, the entered and exit of bolts and screws, nuts and other kinds of fasteners are lightly below 2022. However, if go to let on consideration the fall of dollar front of real, the local currency, the expectation could be so different, at least on imports, in which result at last year overcome the US$ 1 billion barrier, something occurred jut in 2013. 

Comparing, US$ 1.00 costed R$ 5.7, and R$ 5.3 (respectively in January 2022 and 2023); R$ 5.1 and R$ 4.8 (in July 2022, and 2023).

Everybody is with hope to a warming in local economic activities during the second semester, especially with a probably a drop-in interest rate from the Banco Central do Brasil (the Brazilian Central Bank), that currently are at 13.65% per year.