by Sergio Milatias
Editor in Chief of Revista do Parafusos
About fasteners imported from bigger global players, around 48% being sold to Brazil come from the Asia countries, as China (29%), Japan (7.2%), South Korea and Taiwan (2.8% each one).
As wrote recently in this column by us, the Brazilian motorcycle production - a sophisticated and strong fastener consumer - the sector already overcome production levels achieved in 2014 year, with more than 1,5 million motorcycles in 2023. At the same time, the two wheels do not seem the only sector has been on expansion.
On imports overview, in October 2013 the Brazilians bought US$ 103 million of fasteners (on volumes were 19,7 thousand tons), that was the best monthly historic result, but having the near company of January 2024 with US$ 101 mi (22,6 thousand tons).
Comparing the last two first quarters, during the Q1 2023 were imported US$ 252,38 mi (48,868.42 tons on volumes). On Q1 2024 the imports advanced 6.8%, US$ 269,65 mi on buys (61,511.91 tons), an increase of 25.9%.
By the modest export side, October 2018 was the best monthly historic result on revenue, US$ 20,2 million (3,750 tons). On Q1 2023 were exported from Brazil US$ 41,48 million (7,223.88 tons). while on Q1 2024 were US$ 36,28 million (5,391.46 tons), fall of 12.5% and 25%, respectively.