My Professional`s Life Bread       - FASTENER EUROPE MAGAZINE
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My Professional`s Life Bread      

My name is Jozef Dominik, born 1942 in Slovakia and I knock boldly at the door because I bring good news:

“Even at any age, it is possible to work and live meaningfully”.

 You just need to find an interesting job that bring benefits for the society  and joy for you. Fortunately I found that kind of work at first at the Bossard AG, CH. I am happy to announce that I have been working in the field of mechanical joining technology for over thirty years. Of course, the path to this topic was not straightforward. Originally I studied metallurgy at TU VŠB Ostrava, CZ and later completed my education at the University of Žilina, SK in the field Physic of Solid State. Both of these topics helped me a lot in my current professional activity when I understood totally the meaning of bolted joints, which allowed me to formulate the fundamental bolting theorem:

The screw threaded connection is not soulless monster, but a living organism with its own life. Only those who know and respect this life can count on a  reward in the form of reliability and safety!

 In the spirit of this theorem, I founded together with my son Jozef the company FERODOM Ltd. that was established at the end of the year 2000 as a family enterprise. It is not a purely logistics company. Unlike similar ones in the world, it also has its own construction department. The company reached its peak in 2009 at the Fastener Fair Stuttgart, DE, winning the Innovative product of the year award and a year later Top product of the year from the agency FTI, USA. Thanks to the gradual acquisition of management skills by my son Jozef, I also had enough time for publishing activities. Space for this publishing activity was given to me by almost all the world's relevant professional journals, including Fastener Eurasia Magazine, TR. Due to its position on the border between Europe and Asia, this magazine tries to be a link between both continents.

I summarized my many years of publishing activity in the compilation My International Fasteners Story. In addition, I also wrote in DE language the book Technologie der Gewindeverbindungen (translated into Hungarian too) and Illustrated multilingual (DE, EN, SK, IT, RU) screwdriving dictionary.

However, in addition to my professional work, I also found time for my beloved poetry. It is a wonderful hobby that I recommend to everyone, because this activity helps to recharge the batteries of life. As we will see below, such an this activity can even be combined with a profession. 

 Ode on the Threaded Screws

As it in calendar stands,
already many years
in the sky shines
the sky like no others.

Yes, before many summers,
„I repeat over again there:
Watch day to days,
the supernova up there“.

Saturn, Andromeda,Pluto?
Your efforts are in the vain.
„I’m sorry, but I can’t hold out,
that other resides in Milky Way“.

Even the proud Venus doesn’t know
what Jupiter suspects already.
Other look better now,
another has beauty queen credit.

Well dear Venus, before long
you will be out of the game
and the jingle song will belong to
what threaded SCREWS have the name.

                                                     by Jozef Dominik ©

 What to say in conclusion?

My German friend Alfred began his lecture tour in Japan with the following aphorism:

Not to be stupid, but stupid to stay is the greatest shame”.

Oh, what wise words. I fully identified with them, because this is the big argument for the need for education at the same time. I try to pass on my long experiences especially to the young generation, which, unfortunately, is losing interest in this interesting and socially beneficial topic. A sad statement. Let me conclude by recalling the words of one of the wisest - Leonardo da Vinci:

“Practice without theory is like boarding a ship without a rudder and a compass, so one never knows where one will sail”

Anyone who knows my work will surely understand that I tried to transfer the theory of mechanical joining of parts into practice. If I succeeded at least partially, it will be sufficient satisfaction for my effort.
                                                                                                                                  Jozef Dominik, CEO of Ferodom Ltd, Slovakia